Most people hope to never require the services of a criminal defense attorney. They do their best to abide by federal laws and all Georgia state statutes. Even those who occasionally break the law may not anticipate getting arrested, as most law enforcement efforts...
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William Long Whitesell is a long-term counselor, adviser and active member of the community.
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Criminal defense
Demonstrating or attacking the validity of a blood alcohol content level
People who are facing drunk driving charges often want to explore their options for developing a defense strategy. While some might have to focus on things like proving a blood alcohol concentration level wasn’t valid, others may be able to focus more on procedural...
What should you know about your Miranda rights
People who are being interrogated by police officers have specific rights they need to know about. Some of these have been codified via the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution. For example, the Fifth Amendment confirms that Americans are protected from...
Will a DUI impact your right to financial aid?
As a senior in college, you’re old enough to go out and drink with friends and colleagues. You’re celebrating being so close to the end of your schooling, and you’re getting ready to start your career. What you may not have thought would ever happen was that you’d end...
Can you get a DUI because of over-the-counter medications?
If you are taking over-the-counter medications for a cold or for another illness, it’s important that you understand how those medications could impact you. Even though those drugs are available freely, there is a possibility that you could have side effects that may...
Georgia’s Super Speeder law explained
For more than a decade, drivers in Georgia have been subject to a special type of fee if a police officer catches them going extra fast. The statute behind this potentially expensive change is called the Super Speeder law. Even if you have never gotten fined under the...
Binge drinking and marijuana use remain high among college students
When students go off to college, they often are excited about the freedom that will bring. They are ready to make decisions on their own and enjoy the full college experience. For many students, the college experience includes going to big parties, where they may...
Does a misdemeanor stay on your record forever?
Even though everyone makes mistakes, some mistakes lead to criminal charges. If you have a misdemeanor conviction on your record, it may plague you for years. After all, employers can typically find misdemeanor convictions when performing background checks. In...
Can a bad field sobriety test help me beat my DUI charges?
Fighting a DUI can be a difficult challenge. Even a first offense can result in criminal charges and license suspension, which is why it is so important to fight any DUI charges. Building a defense against these charges may be difficult, but the field sobriety test...
College students: Three important questions when fighting drug-related expulsion
If you are a student or parent of a student who has been accused of a drug-related violation, you might feel powerless. You are simply waiting to see what your fate will be as the school’s disciplinary committee determines what to do. If you or your child is in danger...