If the state charges you with a criminal offense, you may have the opportunity to plead guilty to a lesser charge. This offers the benefits of a lighter sentence and a less serious mark on your criminal record. You may still be worried about having the more severe...
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Firm News
How a ticket in Georgia can affect you in your home state
Driving out of state can be exciting, whether you are dropping your child off at college, enjoying a family road trip or traveling through the area for business. When you are away from your home state, it can feel like anything may be around the corner.However, if you...
What should I do if I get a speeding ticket?
This summer, many Georgians stayed close to home for a vacation. Many small towns along 1-75 and I-95 have annexed land out to these freeways so they can operate speed traps here, snagging many out-of-towners with speeding tickets. If you received a speeding ticket...
Your insurance rate will increase with speeding violations
The State of Georgia is unique in that it has a specially-designated law for those who speed excessively beyond the posted speed limit. Known as the Georgia Super Speeder law, this law penalizes drivers by imposing an additional fine and possibly higher car insurance...