Many people arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) offenses believe that they are capable of safely driving until a police officer decides that is not the case. People who frequently consume alcohol may develop a tolerance and may forget that simply being over the legal limit is enough for them to get arrested even when their driving shows no signs of impairment.
It is also common for people to overestimate their own driving skills, especially if they have consumed mind-altering substances recently. As someone who enjoys the occasional cocktail, glass of wine or cold beer, you need to be aware of how changes to your life or behavior might increase your risk of getting arrested for a DUI offense.
What changes might result in an increased risk of a DUI arrest?
1. Losing a significant amount of weight
If you have committed to improving your health by reducing your weight, making progress toward that goal can be very rewarding. People tend to notice weight loss once it continues for a few weeks or months, and you may feel better as you start making changes to your diet and daily behavior.
Unfortunately, a lower body weight will also affect your alcohol tolerance and what you can drink before legally driving. The more weight you lose, the more careful you may have to be about going out for a few drinks before driving home.
2. Buying a new car
While the vehicle you drive won’t have any impact on your drinking habits, it could potentially draw unwanted police attention. Certain cars, like the Volkswagen Jetta, are far more likely than others to attract police attention which results in the driver getting a ticket.
If you just bought a Dodge Charger, a Mazda2 or a GTO, your risk of an officer paying attention to your vehicle and possibly pulling you over is likely higher than the average driver’s risk.
3. Changing to a new bar
If you always stop off at the same that offers cheap cocktails after work for one drink before heading home, a change of venue could mean a major change in the strength of your beverage. In theory, bartenders all follow the same base recipes for standard drinks.
In reality, how heavy a bartender pours and the quality of the alcohol served can play a role in how intoxicated a drink makes someone feel. If you switch to a different bar or restaurant then you usually visit, the drink that you usually enjoy could be bigger or stronger than you expect, which might mean you get drunker than you anticipate despite ordering the same thing as always.
If you make any of these changes in your personal life, it’s important to recognize how they might increase your risk of a DUI charge. Avoiding small mistakes that might put you at risk of a DUI charge can help you protect your license, your reputation and your freedom.